A newsletter about prediction markets and how they are useful to make decisions.

Prediction markets are still underrated, so there is more to tell about them. The goals for this weekly publication are:

  • News, but not about last week, but about the future.

  • Preach the goodness and usefulness of prediction markets.

  • Build a community of enthusiasts about prediction markets.

  • Explore how we can make better decisions.

Prediction Markets?

It looks like the stock market, but the price actually tells you the probability of an event. An example:

The method of “markets to predict things” deserves more attention, so I write about it.

If you want to know more, Scott Alexander wrote a great FAQ.


Predicting stuff is fun on its own but the gold is in making better decisions. Robin Hanson described it will in this talk:

The two examples he sees as the best starting points apparently are questions about “new hires” and “deadlines”. He might be right. In this newsletter, I hope to explore the possibilities. For example, “fake news” are interesting too.

Why subscribe?

E-Mail is still one of the most reliable ways to stay in contact:

Actually, I would prefer if you use a feedreader (it works!) but they tell me an awful lot of people prefer email.

I really appreciate any kind of feedback. Via admonymous you can tell me anything anonymously.

Subscribe to Marketwise

A weekly newsletter about prediction markets and how they are useful to make decisions.


Writing is like thinking but permanently.